About Us
Creating a sense of place in Wood Green
It is more than bricks and mortar…. Collage Arts support the creative community with more than a home. We hold regular networking events, advocate on behalf of artists [we helped to secure nearly £2m in business support for our businesses during the lockdowns]. We also actively pursue opportunities for artists to sell work and deliver innovative arts interventions. For over 37 years Collage Arts has been employing creative people to improve the lives and livelihoods of members of the local community. We take on some of the challenges the borough faces and celebrate all that is special and unique about Haringey.
Collage Artists offer workshops and classes, support and improve mental health, provide assistance to new mothers, develop environmental projects and create work of extraordinary diversity and quality.
At the N22 Open Studios, Collage Arts will showcase some of the vast range of ways that creative people contribute to the quality of life of local people…
Collage Kids & Collage Voices reach around 1,800 young people each year, through sessions at Collage or through our 18 partner schools in Haringey. We build community cohesion, support improved attainment, and celebrate young people’s creativity. See our work on tacking hate and cyber bullying.
Collage Works offers enterprise support to the local creative community. It works to create a workforce in the creative and cultural sector which is as diverse as Haringey. The training studio secures funding for emerging artists from diverse and underrepresented backgrounds to produce work which reinterprets how history is told to reflect the role of people of colour. See our work on They Came Before Us…
Collage Community currently prioritises working with women of colour. For older women there is a focus on tackling loneliness and isolation, exacerbated by the Covid pandemic. The team also helps to support women with pre-vocational skills including proficiency in English before helping them into livelihoods. See our work on The Lockdown Monologues …